The Septuagint and Old Greek Studies discussion list aims to facilitate exchange between theologians, Biblical scholars, philologists, and students of Septuagint studies in order to contribute to further understanding of the Septuagint and Old Greek versions of the Hebrew Scriptures. Our discussions involve a number of disciplines, including philology, theology, classics, Biblical studies, religion, and literary criticism. Although the list is moderated, anyone interested is welcome to join. All participants are expected to adhere to the policies and guidelines of the list.
Advertisements -- No advertisements or job openings are to be posted to the list. If you have a posting relating to Septuagint studies that you think might be an exception, submit it for approval to one of the moderators.
Attachments -- Do not include any attachments with any of your posts. Should you wish to distribute a document, image, or other such item relevant to the LXX, you have 2 options: (1) you may post the material on a website and refer list members to the URL; or (2) contact the list moderators and ask them to consider placing that file in the list's file-sharing section.
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Forwarding -- Always check with the original author before posting an item written by someone other than yourself.
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Our discussion involves a diverse community, with different perspectives and interests. Similar to other scholarly or research-oriented mailing lists, Septuagint and Old Greek Studies prohibits any activity which is considered off-topic, disrespectful, abusive, or inflammatory. This includes, but is not limited to:
Here are some things you can do to make our list a more pleasant place to interact.
When citing text in either Greek or Hebrew, please use Unicode. If you are unable to use Unicode and would prefer to transliterate, use the chart below for Greek; for Hebrew use TC's protocol.
Those who violate this code of conduct will be given a warning. Subsequent violations may result in restrictions on the poster, e.g., change to read-only status or removal from the list.
Joel Kalvesmaki. BA in Classics, BA in Philosophy with distinction, University of Washington; MA and PhD in Early Christian Studies at Catholic University of America.
James Miller. BTh (equiv) St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary; MA, MTh St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary; PhD, Marquette University.
Thanks to the B-Greek list and the B-Hebrew list for the work they have done in formulating their policies and guidelines, from which we have drawn for this list. Thanks also to Dr. Jeffrey Gibson for his input.